Monday, August 8, 2011

Journal 10 - I Have Something To Say

Runyan, Maria. "I have something to say." Learning & Leading 39.Aug (2011): n. pag. Web. 8 Aug 2011. <>

 In the article 'I have something to say',  Runyan talks about a new application for the iPhone and iPad specifically developed to give a voice to those who do not have one. It is an alternative AAC tool for students. Most AAC digital tablets are expensive, this application is less than $200. Students whose speech had been effected by down syndrome and cerebral palsy can easily use Proloquo2. P2G had thousands of words, symbols, and pictures. The user can even upload and insert their own images to the library. Students then select the symbol or image they want heard and then click speak. The application is also capable of creating phrases through linking. This is achieved though selecting a number of images to create a sentence. The example they used was 'I want to play UNO'. They would select 'I want' then 'play' then 'UNO'. Or they could select a custom made button of an UNO card that has the programed sentence, 'I want to play UNO'. It is a tool for a student at any level of disability.

How could this tool be beneficial in the classroom?
I think this is a really great alternative to the expensive tablet. Schools may not have the equipment needed because they do not have the budget. Now with this new app, schools and students that already have a touch screen tablet can download and use it. The P2G gives a voice to those that may not have one because of a disability. Students could even communicate with each other by linking the tablets together.

What are the benifets of using the P2G?
This app can help with picture/word association and language skills. All the pictures, phrases, and symbols are interchangeable. It has a great deal of adaptability to all levels of students. If a students language skills begin to improve, the vocabulary difficulty can be increased.

Journal 9 - Adaptive Technology

Addresses the needs of providing appropriate tools and resources for special needs and diverse learners. I included information about devices and how they are used in the classroom along with a image of what the device looks like.

What is AAC?
Augmentative and Alternative Communication also known as AAC. AAC are communication devices used by people with impairments to their speech or written communication. These tools are used to help people make communication with the outside world easier. There are many low tech and high tech devices that can be used. A low tech device can be pictures, ques, or anything that is not electronic. High tech devices are electronic.

Low Tech Communication Device:
I researched the Perkins Brailler. This is a device that allows blind students to type in braille. This small typing machine has six keys that can be used in different combination to create words. It is a fast and easy tool to use. This is a great tool for the classroom!

High Tech Communication Device:
The Comtek FM Assistance learning tool. A compact wireless, portable, battery operated radio transmitter. Used to help deaf and hard of hearing students hear the instructor better. Instructors wear a microphone that is connected to a transmitter. The device reduces unwanted noises and focuses only on what the person wants to hear. Students can connect this device to a hearing aid or cochlear implant.  

Low Tech Accessibility:
The Focus is a braille display keyboard that is specially designed to use with any laptop or PC that allows people without site to be able to read words that are on the screen on the keyboard. It simply plugs in through 2 USB ports. It also has internet navigation capabilities. This new function increased productivity of the users. This device is useful for blind students that have the desire to use the internet on the computer to do research or simply surf the web.


High Tech Accessibility:

Braille translator software is a tool used to take digital written words into braille for blind students. There is something called braille display which is a board with a series of pins that raise up and down to form the words on the screen.  These words can also be printed out on paper by using a braille embosser printer. This allows blind students to be able to read and or write on the computer.

Journal 8 - Find the Truth About the Pacific Tree Octopus

Ferrell, K. (2011). Find the truth about the pacific tree octopus. Learning &amp; Leading with Technology, 39(1), Retrieved from

This article is about a child's trust of information on the internet to be true. Children and young students need to be informed about how to find good and reliable resources on the internet. Children need to learn that not everything they read on the internet is accurate. An assignment was given to students for them to find out if the information presented to them was in deed accurate. A great part about the assignment was that there was choices. Choices for students about subject matter or how to complete a task is great. It is important that students learn how to find proper and reliable information early on and will be more beneficial in the long run.

Would this be a valuable lesson to teach in my classroom?
Yes, this would be a fabulous lesson. This lesson would be beneficial for students of any age and grade range. Especially for high school students because of the more complicated and longer writing assignments. This would improve the level of quality of research in student course work.

How do you make sure a site is credible or accurate?
Websites should be academic in nature, ending in EDU or have connections to other academic sites. Look for academic Journals or publications, those are usually good indications of a reliable resource. Always look at multiple sites about the same subject or question you may have to see if they are similar in nature or random. 

Journal 6 - Student Voices for Change

McClintock Miller, S. (2011). Student voices for change. Learning &amp;amp; Leading with Technology,38(8), Retrieved from

'Students Voices for Change' stressed the importance of student influence in the classroom. The voices of the students are the most important influence in the educational arena. Students from the Van Meter school presented the influence of technology in the classroom in front of members of congress and educators. This was the first of many presentations given by these students about the effectiveness of technology on student understanding of classroom material. In the article, students said that their education was 'changed through creating'. Many different programs have been installed and used at Van Meter such as virtual reality, Prezi slideshow presentations, youtube videos, and blog pages. Students used technology to connect with other students and educators outside the classroom. Through creativity and technology, lines of communication were opened.

How could student voice be effective in California?
California legislatures have no problem cutting the budget for education. If students went in front of our legislation like in Iowa, maybe there would be more of an impact on decisions made about the school system. I don't feel as though there have been enough people standing up to politicians making their voices heard.

How did the new technology in the classroom effect student learning?
 Students became more creative in their projects because of the greater number of options available to them. Students became more passionate about their work. Students were able to connect and share with one another inside and outside the classroom. Their ability to connect and share their work and experiences allowed deeper understanding of the material.

NETS Are Inspiration

NETS -T II (a,b) & III (c)

I created a pictoral map of ideas using a program called Inspiration. I used pictures, symbols, and arrows to represent ideas and thoughts.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Journal 7: My Personal Learning Network

A PLN, also known as a Professional Learning Network, is where individuals around the world can build a online community through the sharing ideas and resources on websites and blogs.  My PLN is a work in progress at the moment. It is extraordinarily simple to connect myself with other educators on the web. My PLN currently consists of my blog on Blogger, Diigo, and Twitter.Through the connections I have made on my PLN, I am able to share my resources and thoughts with people all over the world. I use my PLN to find reliable resources and lesson plans that will help me make my classroom curriculum more interesting. The connections I have made on my PLN will help give me information and answers to any questions that I may have about being an educator.

I had never thought of using twitter as an educational tool before ED422. I used Hashtags with key words in order to find educational chats. After entering #EDCHAT, I found many educators chatting about many questions, conserns, and information about things going on at their school and around the world. It is easy to watch the stream of  'Tweets' coming in of helpful information and comments. I participated in two chats on Tues Aug 2nd. One on #EDCHAT about how administrators can show support for their teachers.  And the other on #SCICHAT about school labs and if they are effective. #EDCHAT moved so very quickly it was hard to keep up at times. Many people were tweeting about how they need support from their community, not only their fellow staff members. That they need to be allowed to be creative in their curriculum. One teacher referenced himself as Superman. I found that interesting and informative. On #SCICHAT, many teachers shared the same feeling that there is a lack of funding for labs in the younger grade levels. One person tweeted that 'there are no bad results', meaning that the most important part of the lab is that the student gets results. It doesn't matter if they are right or wrong. Another person suggested to use Google Docs to publish the students data and findings. I thought that was a great idea. There were at times disagreements while the discussion was going on but most just posted their opinion anyway. That was my favorite part. There is no need to be nervous about participating because thousands of other people are at the same time. I also added people to follow after the chats on Twitter. A select few were the creator of #EDCHAT and edutopia (inspiration and information provider for educators) to my list of people I am following along with a few of my peers from my ED 422 class.

Diigo is a website that keeps an online database of your bookmarks. It is a good idea to get into a habit of bookmarking so you can easily find the website at a later date. Bookmarking on Diigo allows you to access any bookmarks you have made on any computer, not just your own. When a bookmark is created, keywords are assigned. This helps with organization and makes searching though your library easier. You can also share the bookmarks that you have made with your network or anyone who is searching for keywords that you have used. These bookmarks on Diigo are connected to your PLN that you have created. People can follow you or you can follow them on Diigo. I chose to select a few people to follow that shared the same interests as I do. I first searched for people that had some of the same bookmarks as I did. I chose a few teachers from other states and educators. They had many interesting websites bookmarked on their network. Diigo users can search your library with specific key words or subject area in order to find information you have marked interesting or useful. Most of the people that I chose to follow are long time educators.

I joined both Educators PLN and Classroom 2.0. Both digital discussion forums were bursting with information. On Educators PLN, I searched the topic cyberbullying. I thought this would be an interesting subject since we as a class must create a website about how to protect students against cyberbullying. There was an interesting video staring Karen Cator from the US Department of Education. She said that young people must become more aware of proper online behavior on social networks. That things said and posted online can be just as damaging if not more than it would be 'on the playground' or in person. That not only is everything amplified, but is permanent. I fell as though this is very true. Most people believe that information can be deleted once it has been posted. That is simply not true. That parents, teachers, and students need to be more educated on the dangers of being online and especially the effects of cyberbullying. I also watched a video on Classroom 2.0 about the use of computer games in the classroom. One teacher only uses computer games to teach his high school students about history. The video example was about WWII and how his students retained more facts and information about the lesson from the video game than from the text book. That in the future, video games may replace text books almost entirely in social science. Being a future social science high school teacher, I was thrilled to see that there is a modern educational history game. Cause lets be honest, as much as I loved playing the Oregon Trail, it was not the most historically accurate or educational. I dont believe that video games will ever entirely replace text books, but it is nice to see different types of learning tools in the classroom. I hope I can get my hands on this game for my future classroom.

Visit The Educator's PLN

Visit Classroom 2.0

Monday, July 25, 2011

All about me survey

Journal 4 - One Size NEVER Fits All

Courduff, J. (2011). One size never fits all. Learning and Leading With Technology38(8), Retrieved from

Teachers have not been able to take full advantage of technology tools for special needs students because of lack of training. There has not been enough specific training for teachers to use technology with students with learning disabilities. Technology has shown to help students reach and raise their IEP goals.Teachers in these workshops learn to use specific technology tools with specific tasks. This helps teachers understand what technology will work best or help the most with each individual student.

Full technological integration is impossible. But through training and learning, teachers can use technology effectively no matter what the level the integration. They have developed a 3 tier system that helps teachers integrate technology. Tier 1 is workshops for teachers where they can learn how to use the tools. Tier 2 is learning with online and face-to-face interaction. Really learning how to use the online environment. Tier 3 is educator collaboration and face-to-face support. This is when teachers begin to integrate technology with their students in the classroom.

How can the integration of technology in the classroom improve the performance of my students with special needs?
Technology is a great tool to help kids be creative and express themselves. Technology tools can ease typical frustrations that may come with physical limitations of a students. Reading and writing can become easier with the help of a keyboard, mouse or even voice command. Technology is a median that can let a student feel more accomplished with their schoolwork.

Why can the implementation of technology in classrooms be difficult?
Difficulties can come from lack of funds or lack of training of the teachers. Lack of training for teachers was one of the main reasons mentioned in the article. That teachers simply do not know how or when to use the technology to help their special needs students. But through special classes and online communities, teachers can now get the resources that they need in order to fully help their students.

Journal 3 - Abracadabra–It's Augmented Reality!

Raphael, R. (2011). Abracadabra - it's augmented reality!. Learning & Leading with Technology, 38(8), Retrieved from

In the article "Abracadabra- It's Augmented Reality!", Raphael Raphael talks about Augmented Reality (AR), and the advantages of using it in the educational sector. AR is adding extra information to what we already understand and know about the world around us. Examples of AR are visual cues such as colored lines on top of moving pictures or realistic holograms. AR is being used more often nowadays than ever before. This is made possible through the advancement in technology. AR is a great way to get students interested in their work. Companies are already creating software specifically for students that will allow them to do more than just create but can interact with their work.

A great tool that had been created is called Zooburst. Zooburst is geared toward students, which is great for the classroom. It is a pop-up story telling tool that allows students to interact with the story through the use of a webcam. "Zooburst is a powerful way for students to experience augmented reality." In addition to Zooburst, many other programs and applications are being developed such as social networks, mobile apps, and virtual desktops.

How would I see myself using this technology in the classroom?
Technology is one of the greatest ways to get students excited about their work. Technology can make things more interesting and fun. I love the idea of kids creating and sharing their work on different levels that they never thought possible. Not only will they have a better understanding of the subject but maybe something about themselves.

 What are other AR tools available to use in my classroom?
Wikitude was another tool mentioned that I could use in my classroom. This provides extra information about the environment around us. In the classroom students could point their phone or other devise at an object and information would pop up on a screen. This could be helpful for students with visual or auditory disabilities.

Journal 2 - Join the Flock

Ferguson, H. (2011). Join the flock. Learning and Leading37(8), Retrieved from

Learning and Leading was a very interesting article that explained in depth about how to create and use a PLN. A PLN is a online community you create yourself built of people who are collectively learning together. In order to build this community of common learners you must spend time communicating with others though connecting with technology. The technology tool that is mentioned in the article is Twitter. Whatever social networking site you chose you use, you must created a detailed profile. A profile that provides information about yourself so people can know more about you. The article goes into detail about how to go about setting up a profile and utilizing these social outlets to their full benefit that can and will help you build your PLN.

This article advises that you take the time to get to know other common people on these sites. Such as telling others about what someone has said or responding to that person directly. This shows people that you are interest in what they have to say. Also learn the terminology and type of language that is used on the site. This will help reduce confusion while reading and responding to others and create better understanding.  

How would I see myself using Twitter to help create my PLN?
I would use Twitter to help me connect with other teachers and educators around the country. They may have creative ideas or solutions that I never thought of to problems that I may have in the classroom. It is important to have advice from your peers that may have more experience in the area than you do. And technology is so accessible and easy to use, it would be hard not to take advantage of all the information that is available.
How would I put this new found information and technology to good use?
With Twitter and other networking cites, I could create a large database of information. Anyone can access that information at anytime around the world.  It is possible to send or connect people with that digital information so that they may also take advantage of what I have found. It is important to have a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips because you never know when you may need it.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Technology Self-Assessment: School 2.0

I posted a screen shot and discussed my results of the Promoting Technology Use in Schools online quiz.

The model I chose to look into was Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity. Being creative, I believe, is a very important aspect of a students ability to learn. Assignments should not be boring and pointless, classwork needs to be interesting in order to keep students engaged. All students are unique. The assignments should reflect the student. I think that students are more likely to put more into their assignments if the are able to be creative and more individualistic. Technology is one of the many ways to help inspire student learning and creativity.

The article Promoting Technology Use in Schools examined how technology in schools promotes learning. It says that "new technology can be an appropriate vehicle for promoting meaningful, engaged learning." There is also more communication between students and their teachers. With technology, students can research and find information on current issues. Technology can be a powerful medium for students. Students already use massive amounts of technology everyday. Why not utilize the skills they already have and apply them to the classroom.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Journal 1 - Kara's Happy 100

  1. Disneyland
  2. Playing volleyball
  3. Coaching volleyball
  4. Winning
  5. Surfing
  6. Swimming
  7. Relaxing in the sun
  8. Clean sheets
  9. My massive DvD collection
  10. My boyfriend
  11. My friends
  12. My family
  13. Playing Wii games
  14. Eating all the pizza I can get my hands on
  15. My sparkly jewelry
  16. Stars
  17. Greeting Cards
  18. Hanging out with my friends
  19. Quoting movies with my sister
  20. Being my friends psychiatrist
  21. Watching videos on You Tube
  22. Finding Deals
  23. Facebook stalking friends
  24. Being my friends social photographer
  25. Visiting Hawaii
  26. Warm water
  27. Musabi
  28. Good Luck Cats
  29. Visiting the Wizarding World of Harry Potter
  30. Making new friends
  31. Celebrating birthdays
  32. When my Boyfriend tells me jokes
  33. Listening to Music
  34. Downloading music
  35. Making Mix tapes
  36. Creating photo albums
  37. Going to the movies
  38. Christmas time
  39. Dogs Doing Tricks
  40. Driving
  41. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
  42. Office Space
  43. Getting my nails done
  44. Getting pampered
  45. Attending concerts
  46. Walking my dogs
  47. Singing in my car
  48. Champagne Brunches
  49. Learning new things
  50. Playing Pool
  51. Attending Friday happy hour at PB Bar and Grill
  52. Reading
  53. Teaching surf camp
  54. Football
  55. Watching unknown silent films
  56. Breathing
  57. People telling me ‘I Love You’
  58. Sweatshirts
  59. Snowboarding
  60. Camping
  61. Laughing
  62. Smiling until my face hurts
  63. Traveling
  64. New Shoes
  65. Massages
  66. Care Bears
  67. Eating Krispy Cream Donuts
  68. Fresh Cookies
  69. Going to Taco Tues with friends
  70. Making friendship bracelets
  71. Getting presents
  72. New crazy socks
  73. Bake specialty cakes
  74. Going to Joia
  75. Go to parties with friends
  76. Getting stronger
  77. Entertaining/playing host
  78. My Peter pan collection
  79. Playing Mario Party on Nintendo 64
  80. Watching March Madness Basketball
  81. Drinking Hot Chocolate under an electric blanket
  82. Going to Sonic
  83. My laptop
  84. Bonfires at the beach
  85. Taking pictures with characters
  86. Creating my own Halloween costumes
  87. Making perfectly toasted sandwiches
  88. Dancing
  89. Shopping at Target
  90. French fries
  91. Getting my makeup done
  92. Being a model
  93. Cooking for friends
  94. Buying Disney Ears
  95. Pin trading
  96. Harajuku Lovers purses
  97. Gnomes
  98. Having my college degree
  99. Achieving my goals
  100. Rediscovering 100 things that make me happy

Monday, July 11, 2011

Its me, Kara

My name is Kara Kraszewski. At my jobs people call me 'Coach K'. This is because mostly everyone has trouble pronouncing my last name because its super confusing and complicated. As most Polish names are. I am part of a 3rd generation family from San Diego. I was born here and have never left. I feel as though why should I leave a place that is so beautiful and people spend so much money just to visit. Plus it doesn't hurt that I have a free place to live where there is always food. My academic carrier started at a private Catholic school where I was forced to wear a uniform everyday. A residency of nine years of plaid and polo shirts. I attended Point Loma High School from 2000-2004. A public school that gave me an eye opening experience of what the real world was like. Soon after graduation, I attended Grossmont Junior College in El Cajon, receiving a 3 year degree in Forensic Science. I then transferred to SDSU for my Bachelors in Political Science. I changed my major after discovering my passion for coaching. I am currently working toward my single subject teaching credential in Social Science at CSU San Marcos.

I have worked with technology and computers my whole life. I can remember writing my first written assignment for school on a typewriter then soon graduated to a green screen first generation Apple Desktop. Over the last 15 years, I have developed a lot of computers skills from classes and from technology advancements that have become readily available. I am proficient in 
the common programs of a PC. Yes, I am a classically trained PC user. This would consist mostly of an Microsoft programs. I have dabbled in some photo and video programs, but am not entirely comfortable with them. I just got a EVO 4G phone that allows me to surf the internet and receive/respond to emails while on the go. I must say, it is an amazing tool and I love it!

Teaching has always been a passion for me. CSUSM has an excellent reputation and a few of my peers
have completed the course in years past. I am very excited to start my adventure in the educational world. A corny way that I like to explain my passion is that 'our children are our future'. I am happy to say that I am choosing a profession that everything I do will leave a lasting impact on those around me.