Ferguson, H. (2011). Join the flock. Learning and Leading, 37(8), Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/learn/publications/learning-and-leading/digital-edition-june-july-2011.aspx
Learning and Leading was a very interesting article that explained in depth about how to create and use a PLN. A PLN is a online community you create yourself built of people who are collectively learning together. In order to build this community of common learners you must spend time communicating with others though connecting with technology. The technology tool that is mentioned in the article is Twitter. Whatever social networking site you chose you use, you must created a detailed profile. A profile that provides information about yourself so people can know more about you. The article goes into detail about how to go about setting up a profile and utilizing these social outlets to their full benefit that can and will help you build your PLN.
This article advises that you take the time to get to know other common people on these sites. Such as telling others about what someone has said or responding to that person directly. This shows people that you are interest in what they have to say. Also learn the terminology and type of language that is used on the site. This will help reduce confusion while reading and responding to others and create better understanding.
How would I see myself using Twitter to help create my PLN?
I would use Twitter to help me connect with other teachers and educators around the country. They may have creative ideas or solutions that I never thought of to problems that I may have in the classroom. It is important to have advice from your peers that may have more experience in the area than you do. And technology is so accessible and easy to use, it would be hard not to take advantage of all the information that is available.
How would I put this new found information and technology to good use?
With Twitter and other networking cites, I could create a large database of information. Anyone can access that information at anytime around the world. It is possible to send or connect people with that digital information so that they may also take advantage of what I have found. It is important to have a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips because you never know when you may need it.
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